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Resources for Students

Favorite Resources


A highly detailed OPORD designed for extensive bay planning and field work.  This lamination-ready product has gone through many classes at the SFQC.  If you use it and find some ways to improve it, let us know.

SFAS Advice

Eight pages of advice from a SFAS selectee on what to bring, how to prepare, and what to do when you get there.  SFAS can change from class to class, so also get the latest advice from those who’ve been recently.


Best Ranger Workout

A three-month, twice-a-day workout regime with lots of free weights, rucking, and a wide variety of other exercises.



This site was built by and for students and is a repository for open-source material and advice, from OPORD shells to how to configure your ruck.  We strive to deliver the latest, most applicable products that have been tried, tested, and refined by actual students or graduates.

We are not a site for gossip, rumors, or slander.  We are not a site for any non-open source material that would violate any OPSEC or honor codes.

We are always looking for more knowledge, material, and ways we can improve to help YOU.  Please send us your material, comments, or concerns anytime to us below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.  Any material you send us, please ensure that it is quality, open-source material that does not violate any OPSEC or honor-code policies.

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